Lend A Hand, STOP Bullying

Look Beyond What You Are Really Seeing

Think About The People You Affect
What changes did you make to the original images you used?
The changes that i have made are that I put to photos into one. I made sure that one of the photos were faded so that the people (you could see two sides to the story). In others, such as the first photo I took a little girl and cut her out of the original photo and applied her near a homeless man. I added text in all of them to add a stronger feel to the photo, to help people really understand what is happening and what we don't see.
What pleases you most about the technical quality of your work? Why?
What pleases me most about my work is that the way I put things together and they way they are put are really meaning something. They show people the effects of life and differences everyone has. How the two photos blend in, they show more tan just one story, they show EVERYTHING.
What displeases you most about the technical quality of your work? Why?
I am not really sure what displeases me about this photo just yet. I just wanted my thoughts to be out and onto a photo.
What new techniques or skills did you learn through the completion of this activity?
I think that the major technique that I learned was the masking. I mostly used things that I already knew about before. I think I used the things I knew about because I felt more comfortable with it than things I just learned about.
What message did you hope to convey in your collage, if any?
The message that I wanted to put out there was, even though things look perfect or someone is always happy and smiling/ nice. Doesn’t always mean everything is ok. But in some ways means that they do want help but they just don’t no how to deal with it or handle it. Another message that I wanted to put out there was that in the future, everything is going to change. Death and homeless people will be an everyday thing, to the point that no-one will care because there will be nothing we can do about it.
What emotional response do you hope to elicit from your audience?
The emotion that I hope to get is one, that my work is very will done. Two, I hope that they feel something, that maybe it will touch them in some way to help with the problems around us. I really want them to keep an eye out and really see beyond what they are really looking at.
What changes would you make to improve on this image?
The changes that i would like to improve are maybe the way I portrayed this photo, or the message it gives off. But for right now i am fine with it but I know in a couple of days or weeks I will find things that I will want to change and improve.
great job sammy they are realy well done with your ideas
I like the work you did
nice work on the pictures keep it up dont mess up lol
I like your art because it shows what children see and hear in every day life in most major cities or towns. I also like the words you added into the image because it sums sums up the image in a very good way, so that many people can understand what is being said in the image.
Your art makes me feel sad because children see these things everyday and they might not understand why those people chose to live like that. I also feel bad for the homeless person because of what they have to go through in everyday life and how they survive on what generous people choose to give them.
I don't understand. I find that this image makes sense. I understand everything that is being said in it.
I like your art because... it is very meaning full and you have chosen a good topic to use and your pictures really make you think about what king of message you are trying to send.
Your art makes me feel... a little dark and confused but its awesome.
I don't understand...why your art is so good. You’re pro at your art!
I like your art because it shows that not all families are as they seem. The message came across, your words that you said gave me a clear view of what you were trying to say. I like how the pictures were put so well together that it gave me something to be impressed with.
Your art makes me feel like you have simplified family life on the whole. It has opened my eyes and made me think that maybe some kids aren't lying when they say that their parents aren't the nicest people when they look that way to the public.
I don't understand why you didn't use three pictures and expressed yourself even more, the sky is the limit. This would give me an even better view, even though you have given me a great understanding already. I feel like their are more elements you could've squeezed in their.
I really like the one with the girl aand the house, showing that untilll you really look inside and find out, you might not be seeing the full truth. I completly agree nd think its totally relevent, bad things are not alwase obvious.
It is very strong and powerful image and it makes me realize that there are people all over the world that and mabe starving, being bullied, being abused and such but no one might ever find out untill it is to late.
On thing that i think you maybe could have done would be more clear as to what is happning to the girl. Or not its perfect either way ! :.)
I like your art because... it shows how peace and respect is not in our world. I like your artwork.
Your art makes me feel... sad because how I felt when I got bullied.
I don't understand...
I think you really took your time with each of your pictures, and it seems like you really enjoyed this task since you made many. I particularly like the picture of the house and how it says just because everything looks perfect on the outside, doesnt mean its perfect on in the inside. I think you chose a very powerful topic and it is an issue in our society. My favourite thing about all your pictures is how all the images flow together. It looks really well done.
Sammy your art moves me because it clearly shows compassion as well as intellect. You have chosen to represent many different topics, which shows so much respect to those you speak for. You understand the effects that these things have on several individuals. You speak for those who cannot do it themselves. in the words of me, it's friggin sweet man!
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