Monday, November 5, 2007


a) I am thrilled with my work because I felt that my work was very well presented and had all the right information. I never really thought that I could do something that is before. I always thought that it was going to be to hard but really, once I took the time to really look at it and imagin what I wanted, it all came out and went onto the screen,

b) I never thought that I could work with codes. What was really cool was that I understood it and I could find everything I need. Yes I had a few ups and downs, that when i got peter or carlos. They were a really big help. It was awsome!!!

c) The things that were most difficult was finding a place to do about. I think that it took me a week to find one. well carlos helped me and gave me the clue to do. This took FOREVER!

d) Here is a list of all the steps, in sequence, of how I accomplished this project:
  • Find a place
  • Find art or someone who reperects Peace or Respect
  • Find the history
  • Re right all the history into YOUR OWN words
  • Find the Photo
  • History of the painter
  • Any hidden maessages?
  • Design the photo
  • Make a placemark
  • Get the codes (from google pisasa) & (Peter)
  • Re fix the codes
  • Add your codes
  • Make sure you have links
  • Make sure your links work
  • a-line everything
  • Check spelling
  • Check neatness
  • Show peter
  • And you are DONE!!!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Driving Question

How does Picasso show the horror of Guernikain in thier time of need in this one painting?

My Thoughts:

Guernica, Spain

Picasso painted the Guernica after the Nazi German bombing on Guernica, Spain. This happened on April 26th 1937 by twenty-four bombers, during the Spain’s civil war.

250 to 1,600 people were killed and many more were injured.

This painting portrays a simply bullfight, the horror of the bombing, a scene of death, violence, brutality, suffering, and helplessness without portraying their immediate causes. Picasso's also protested against Franco's actions and the political and ideological beliefs of the artistical élite of the time.

Picasso said as he worked on the mural:

“The Spanish struggle is the fight of reaction against the people, against freedom. My whole life as an artist has been nothing more than a continuous struggle against reaction and the death of art. How could anybody think for a moment that I could be in agreement with reaction and death? ... In the panel on which I am working, which I shall call Guernica, and in all my recent works of art, I clearly express my abhorrence of the military caste which has sunk Spain in an ocean of pain and death.”

Pablo Picasso
Oct 25th 1881 – Died April 8th 1973

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sammy's Digital Canvas

Think About Your Kids, Not Yourself

Lend A Hand, STOP Bullying

Look Beyond What You Are Really Seeing

Think About The People You Affect

What changes did you make to the original images you used?
The changes that i have made are that I put to photos into one. I made sure that one of the photos were faded so that the people (you could see two sides to the story). In others, such as the first photo I took a little girl and cut her out of the original photo and applied her near a homeless man. I added text in all of them to add a stronger feel to the photo, to help people really understand what is happening and what we don't see.

What pleases you most about the technical quality of your work? Why?
What pleases me most about my work is that the way I put things together and they way they are put are really meaning something. They show people the effects of life and differences everyone has. How the two photos blend in, they show more tan just one story, they show EVERYTHING.

What displeases you most about the technical quality of your work? Why?
I am not really sure what displeases me about this photo just yet. I just wanted my thoughts to be out and onto a photo.

What new techniques or skills did you learn through the completion of this activity?
I think that the major technique that I learned was the masking. I mostly used things that I already knew about before. I think I used the things I knew about because I felt more comfortable with it than things I just learned about.

What message did you hope to convey in your collage, if any?

The message that I wanted to put out there was, even though things look perfect or someone is always happy and smiling/ nice. Doesn’t always mean everything is ok. But in some ways means that they do want help but they just don’t no how to deal with it or handle it. Another message that I wanted to put out there was that in the future, everything is going to change. Death and homeless people will be an everyday thing, to the point that no-one will care because there will be nothing we can do about it.

What emotional response do you hope to elicit from your audience?

The emotion that I hope to get is one, that my work is very will done. Two, I hope that they feel something, that maybe it will touch them in some way to help with the problems around us. I really want them to keep an eye out and really see beyond what they are really looking at.

What changes would you make to improve on this image?
The changes that i would like to improve are maybe the way I portrayed this photo, or the message it gives off. But for right now i am fine with it but I know in a couple of days or weeks I will find things that I will want to change and improve.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Digital Artist's Canvas Proposal

"I am aware that I will be evaluated on the final product and on my successful presentation of my concept or theme. I am aware that Peter must approve this project idea before I continue."

Here is what I learned during my research:

What I have learned during my research is that respect doesnt always have to deal with talking but it can also be in the actions you give someone. Give someone a hand when you need it and when someone is down, why not help when up.
What I have learned during my research is that peace is non-violence, calmness, and is the opposite of war. Peace is like being in your happy place where know one can enter and anything bad that has happened to you in GONE.

Here are three ideas/topics that I have thought of:
  1. bullying and showing how peace can create a better world for our children and the confidence they could have.
  2. Having dead bodies outside random peoples how and how it is showing what this world is coming to a end the the respect for the people is gone and there won't be that seen's of peace anymore. everything in the end will be destroyed.
  3. Abuse and respect (there will be more detail in my photo)
The idea I have chosen to pursue is:

Abuse and respect (there will be more detail in my photo)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sammy's Unreal Animals

This is my unreal animal elephant.

I crated this animal by using a elephant, tiger and a dog's long toung. I tried to blend everything together to create this one some what good looking animal.

The difficult part was the toung. The toung was such a dark purple, that i wasn't really sure if I could blend it in. I kept on smudging the pink into the purple to make it look like the toung was attached to the body.

The easiest part of this project was picking out the animals. All I had to do was pick out the correct photos for this assignment.

I like this photo because if I ever went to a zoo i would like to find a animal like this. I think it's fun (could be funny), outgoing and something i think everyone could enjoy.

I wish I could have done a bit more, but i wasn't really sure how to blend in the eyes with a gray elephant.(That was a hard part.) But all in all I think this came out well.

This animal I call, The Devil Pig.

This wasn't that difficult to be honest with you (who ever is reading this) i was really just messing around seeing what i could do but, it just ended up looking like a bit of a mess.

The easiest part of this was putting everything together and trying out what it could be. (goffing around) just a little bit.

I am not sure that I like this picture because i believe i could have done more to it then what I have created.

I wish I would have done more if I actually took this picture seriously. It just doesnt look really.

Thank you for reading my blog.