Monday, November 5, 2007


a) I am thrilled with my work because I felt that my work was very well presented and had all the right information. I never really thought that I could do something that is before. I always thought that it was going to be to hard but really, once I took the time to really look at it and imagin what I wanted, it all came out and went onto the screen,

b) I never thought that I could work with codes. What was really cool was that I understood it and I could find everything I need. Yes I had a few ups and downs, that when i got peter or carlos. They were a really big help. It was awsome!!!

c) The things that were most difficult was finding a place to do about. I think that it took me a week to find one. well carlos helped me and gave me the clue to do. This took FOREVER!

d) Here is a list of all the steps, in sequence, of how I accomplished this project:
  • Find a place
  • Find art or someone who reperects Peace or Respect
  • Find the history
  • Re right all the history into YOUR OWN words
  • Find the Photo
  • History of the painter
  • Any hidden maessages?
  • Design the photo
  • Make a placemark
  • Get the codes (from google pisasa) & (Peter)
  • Re fix the codes
  • Add your codes
  • Make sure you have links
  • Make sure your links work
  • a-line everything
  • Check spelling
  • Check neatness
  • Show peter
  • And you are DONE!!!!!